Unadilla Township


Treasurer Information

Treasurer: Julie Weiland

Deputy Treasurer: Patty Dunn 

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

After Feb. 20th you must pay your taxes in person and will not be able to access the online payments for taxes and there is a 1 percent late fee as they were due Feb 14th.


By state statute the Treasurer is responsible for the following items:

  • Collecting real and personal property taxes
  • Receiving receipts for township expenditures
  • Issuing township checks
  • Depositing township revenues in approved depositories
  • Investing township funds in approved investments
  • Collecting delinquent personal property tax

Dog Licenses

You must purchase dog licenses at Livingston County Treasurer.

Click here for more information

Paying Your Taxes - FAQ

Tax bills go out July 1st for the summer bill and December 1st for the winter bill. If you do not receive your bill in th email, please call the treasurers department at 734-498-2502.

Please make checks payable to Unadilla Township and mail to Unadilla Township at P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI. 48137. Post marks are not accepted.

An after hours drop box is located on the outside of the township hall. This is a locked drop box and we will mail you a receipt for your payment.

You may pay your taxes with a credit card or electronic check. Electronic payments can be made online at twp.unadilla.mi.us or by calling official payments at 1-800-272-9829. Official Payments will charge a convenience fee of $3.00 for electronic checks. Credit card payments can not be made at the Township. The convenience fee is not charged by or paid to Unadilla Township.

Yes. Your property will be forclosed and you will lose title.

A delinquent tax is a tax that has been forwarded to the County Treasurer for collection on March 1st following the year the bill was originally issued.

The County Treasurer adds a 4% administration fee and interest of 1% per month. After one year the property enters a forfeited status.

No. Forfeiture is not foreclosure. Forfeiture is a 1 year period leading up to the final foreclosure of the property. When a property is forfeited the interest rate increases from 1% per month, to 1.5% per month, back to the date when the taxes became delinquent. A $175 fee is also added, and additional fees are added during this 1 year period.

After property has been in forfeiture for one year it will be foreclosed.

You cannot get your property back after it has been foreclosed. Property that has been foreclosed will be sold at public auction.