Police Chief David Russell
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325 Ext. 302
Email: drussell@unadillapolice.org
Sergeant Nan Gelman
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325 Ext. 305
Email: ngelman@unadillapolice.org
Officer David Weinman
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325
Email: dweinman@unadillapolice.org
Detective Nicholas Rainwater
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325 Ext. 307
Email: nrainwater@unadillapolice.org
Reserve Officer Eric Tumbarella
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325
Email: tumbarella@unadillapolice.org
Reserve Officer William Carr
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325
Email: wcarr@unadillapolice.org
Reserve Officer Amber Walker Smith
Phone: 734-498-2325 ext 222
Email: awsmith@unadillapd.org
Administrative Assistant & FOIA Coordinator
Amber Walker Smith
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325 Ext. 222
Email: awsmith@unadillapolice.org
Unadilla Township Police Department
Full Time/Part Time Police Officer
Law enforcement began in Unadilla Township in 1894 with the appointment of two constables, that being F.E. Marshall on April 8, 1894 and William Pryfrur on April 12, 1894. Prior to Unadilla Township having constables, the Livingston County Sheriff Department serviced the Township with the first County Sheriff being elected on the first Monday in May 1835. The Sheriff was Justus J. Bennett. Unadilla Township was a quiet and religious community. The Township was formed on the first Monday in April of 1835.
The first Justice of the Peace for Unadilla Township was Elnathan Noble. Noble was also one of the first associate judges in Livingston County. Before the county was organized, he was appointed territorial justice of the peace by Michigan Governor Stevens T. Mason. Elnathan Noble is given credit for naming Unadilla Township after a township in Otsego County, New York.
The Township’s first documented homicide was in 1845. Victim Green was shot and instantly killed by a man by the name of Cole while in the woods near his house. Cole admitted to the shooting. Cole claimed he mistook Green for a deer and accidentally shot him. No positive proof was brought against Cole at trial.
Constables served as Peace Officers until 1978 with the hiring of the first Township police officer. Unadilla Township ended the use of constables in 1985 when Larry Owen was sworn in as the first Chief of Police for Unadilla Township. Prior to being sworn in as Chief of Police, Owen was the Township’s only full time police officer. Larry Owen was hired in
1978 and was assisted by Constable William Jack McGee. Earnest Clark was appointed as a constable in 1967 and served until 1978 (the badge of Constable Clark is displayed in a glass case at the Township police station). Ofc. Owen was also assisted by Constables Calvin Sommers, James Bolling and Charles Wertz.
Unadilla Township officially formed a police department on March 19, 1968 when the need for better police response and service was required. Unadilla Township could not get the service of a police department from constables or from the Sheriff’s Department.
The Unadilla Township Police Department has instituted the following policy regarding distribution of police shoulder patches for patch collectors:
Unadilla Police Department Job Posting
Please read and fill out all documents for the available position.
Release Form
MCOLES Release
MCOLES Personal History Statement
Application Letter
Thank you for your interest in the position.
Only applicants who advance in the hiring process will be asked to complete the background investigation packet below. There is no need to submit this information until it is requested. It should be fully completed before submission.
The Unadilla Township Police Department will conduct a security check of your residence while you are away. Your residence must be in Unadilla Township. Officers will make periodic checks, at random times, when their duties allow. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 734-498-2325. If you would like to request checks of your residence, you may print and complete the form linked below or obtain it from the police department. Once you have completed the form, you may turn it in at the police department or e-mail it to police@unadillapolice.org.
Prescription Drug Drop Off
Crime Stoppers
Disturbing the Peace Ordinance
Help for Aging Drivers
Juvenile Curfew Ordinance
Junk, Inoperable and/or Unplated MV Ordinance
K-9 Program
OTIS (Prisoner Offender Lookup)
Report Scams and Fraud
Severe Weather Family Packets
Traffic Stop Brochure
Vinelink (Jail Offender Lookup)
FOIA Request
Livingston County Resources
Business Office
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Phone: (734) 498 – 2325
Livingston County Central Dispatch (for on-duty officer)
Phone: (517) 546 – 9111
Welcome to the Unadilla Township Police Department Homepage. We hope you find the information presented here to be helpful and interesting. The police Department is located at 126 Webb Street in Gregory, the business district of our community.
The police Station is located one block east of Main Street at 126 Webb Street. After hours, the on-duty officer can be reached by dialing Livingston County Central Dispatch at (517) 546-9111. The Unadilla Township Police Department serves the communities of Plainfield, Gregory, and Unadilla. We provide police services to Unadilla Township residents of the Stockbridge, Pinckney and Fowlerville Community School Districts.
We pride ourselves in serving our community. Our police department serves 36 square miles, an estimated population of less than 4,000 residents and a variety of State lands including the Gregory State Game Area, the Unadilla State Game Area and a portion of the Pinckney State Recreation Area. In addition, we provide public safety services to the Lakeland Trail, a variety of lakes and waterways in our Township as well as the Richmond Airfield and the Northstar Reach Camp (the former University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp).
Emergency phones are located on the front of the Police Department and also in front of the Unadilla Township Fire Station at 116 Main Street. These phones can be used for emergency and non-emergency requests for police, fire and medical assistance.